The Return, Bangkok Restaurant

“The Return” to the real world is a masala, a mix of exotic spices.  It’s the here and now of Bangkok with dreams and memories of Mustang with its clean air, no electronics, blue sky, star filled nights right down to the horizon, being challenged every day to the depths of my soul and the limits of my body, the endless beauty, and a surprisingly long lasting state of joy: this was my Mustang world. I found more of who I am while trekking through these mountains with those sweet people and their beautiful culture. Continue reading The Return, Bangkok Restaurant

Travel and You Will Grow?

Kathmandu, Nepal. Meditating yogi in front of temple

I used to say, “Just travel, you will grow. It will change you.  It’s the best education on Earth.” I wonder now.  There is  definitely something to be said for simply getting out of your routine, but accomplishing that can be as simple as putting your left leg in your pants first instead of your right. Continue reading Travel and You Will Grow?