Erosion, Nature’s Impact on Man’s Creations

eroded-woodErosion is perhaps nature’s most breathtakingly beautiful phenomenon. On a grand scale it has given me my favorite haunts, the canyons and sculpted rocks of Zion, the cliffs and hoodoos of Bryce, the vast landscape and intimate corners of Grand Staircase, Escalante, and the unfathomable Grand Canyon. Only wind and water have been at work there. Not one year in the past thirty years has passed without my taking at least one soul-reviving visit to these monumental testaments to forces beyond imagination which were created over periods of time that I cannot begin to comprehend. I am brought to my knees with awe and joy in the presence of such majesty. I am reminded of my true, minuscule importance. I need and welcome that reminder. Continue reading Erosion, Nature’s Impact on Man’s Creations

West Sumba

There is only one first impression, so I try to focus and pay attention. A strip of a runaway – green, really green everywhere – very soft tropical, humid breeze – that classic touch that many of us travel for. The waiting room at the airport with 6 orange plastic chairs and a bench quickly fills with my fellow passengers. When everyone has found their luggage in these improssibly close quarters, the padlocked exit door is opened and we are all released at once into the parking area. I remember seeing only four cars. There must have been more, somewhere. Continue reading West Sumba