Mind’s Questions: What am I doing here in Nepal trekking again? Did I forget the pain, discomfort and fear? Why would anyone do this?
Answer: It’s kinda crazy…The mind thinks up questions that I think I should answer to its satisfaction. The mind is a minefield of conflicting hopes, concerns, fears and beliefs that are hopelessly entangled. Why do I listen to it?

Mind: Let’s just look at the comfort/discomfort issue. A trek is a series of uncomfortable events: The series of long flights just to get to Nepal, the noise, heat, pollution, and crowds in a hot and crazy third world city, a rough ride to the airport in a capital known to have the worst roads on Earth, a third world domestic terminal to go through security and check-in procedures, the wait for the flight, and the miserable bus ride to the trailhead, to say nothing of the hiking itself.

Answer: Comfort and discomfort pass. I have hopes of exalted consciousness. I have memories of extraordinary beauty, but I know what you are saying. I have the conflicting fears that the trek won’t happen, that a thousand things could go wrong that would derail this mad adventure.
Mind: You’re right! Think of the time, money, preparation and psychological investment you have made that could be wasted by a simple twist of fate. One good trek is enough. Count your blessings.
Answer: I’m going, so leave it alone.

Mind: OK, you win. Just remember, we’re doing a “tea-house” trek. You have seen them, guest houses where the rooms are a only bit more comfortable than a tent. They are cookie cutter small- about eight feet wide and eleven feet long, never as much as 100 sq. feet. Undersize twin beds with a three inch mattress, with one sheet and one small coffee table are the furnishings. The 1/8” plywood walls ensure that every sound is transferred from room to room unimpeded. The floors bounce and squeak and the doors have gaps on three sides provide good air circulation throughout the cold nights. You’re trekking in high season, so every room will be filled and the dining hall with long shared tables will be a madhouse.. And you seek quiet!
Answer: Don’t you ever give up and shut up?
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